

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Best Surprise Ever

I was about to get in the car to leave EFY. My mom and Ali Hawkins just sat in the car looking at me. I was so confused. I saw the back door on the opposite side of the car open and there before my eyes was Coleman Phair. I ran over to him and gave him the biggest hug I could. I had no idea he was going to be there. I was shaking and had butterflies...ahh...it was just a very good moment. Coleman got stay for a few more days. We watched movies, played at the park, had a whip cream war, we tried to have the most fun possible.


I went to EFY last summer with my friend Katelyn in Tacoma WA. Our days consisted of spiritual church classes, eating, talks, games,dances and making new friends. We ate the same food (by choice) for lunch and dinner everyday, pasta Alfredo and bread sticks. Over all it was a very good week and I'm glad to go again this year.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hiking PooPoo Point

Car ride with Taylor and daddy

Chase and Lauren

this is the face Avery and I make when we see Chase and Lauren together

high bun!!!
We hiked up PooPoo Point for fun one day! Chase brought is two friends and I brought Taylor and Avery! Im not going to be doing this hike anytime soon...it was harder than I remembered.
But it was cool to see Issaquah from above.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


This is what happens when you forget to sign out of this on my computer freak!


OH! And hurry up and freaking clean your room we need to watch the bachelorette!! I NEED TO SEE SEAN! <3 <3 <3

Monday, June 18, 2012

Music Video!

Woohoo! So excited for summer...except for the weather sucks. Anyways... today was Avery's last day of school so we went out side and video taped us lip syncing to celebrate the beginning of summer! It was a really long video so we just took out the funnyish parts! 


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Silly Goose

What a cutie! My cousin brought over this wittle baby goose for me to baby sit the other night! I fell in love after he...Slept in my bed with me(woops). He was abandoned on the side of the road with his sibling who sadly got killed:(  I now share the goose with my cousin. He hasn't been put down or been by himself much at all. 
I just cant stand how sweet he is!