

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Only 9 days tell my family vacation in the Caribbean! I cant wait...I already packed my suitcase even though we are leaving next week! I just got to excited!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Im Not a Morning Person...

Today my mom decided to learn how to take pictures with our camera... and what was she taking pictures of? ME right when I woke up... these are the only pictures I will show because I had my face covered!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Night

Hanging out with avery! taking pictures with her webcam...we are so awesome!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Button and Bow

I had a fun day with the camera! haha

Pico De Gallo

Don't forget you onion goggles!
What you need: 8 roma tomatoes, 1 onion( I like yellow onions), and a handful of cilantro, lime juice, and salt.

How to: 
1. chop tomatoes and onions into little square pieces.
2. cut cilantro and chop a view pieces of stem.
3. put everything in a large bowl.
4. add lime juice and salt.( I keep adding them until I get the taste I want)
5. mix everything together! cover with plastic wrap and let set for a few hours in the fridge. (helps bring out flavor)
4. mix everything t

Family PIctures

These are my family pictures from January!

Busy Weekend

What a crazy weekend...Saturday I stayed the night at my older sisters(Denise) house. We went to see the movie "Rango" with her husband(Tyler) at 9:50. Rango is an animated movie about animals that live in the desert and work together to get water. sounds dumb? Its is...not only do these animals look so real its creepy they have country accents and kill each other. Its an adult mid-west movie but they used bunny's and lizards instead of people. After the movie we went to her house and went right to bed. We woke up at 8 o'clock so we could get ready to go to her ward. We got to church just in time but we did have to sit on the uncomfortable chairs in the back. I fallowed Denise to her class room where she taught the 4 year olds. After 2 hours of watching the cutest little kids I've ever seen do the cutest thing I have ever seen we got in the car and headed to my house (jammin to JB). We got to my house and got in the suburban which was already filled with my mom, dad, grandma, and uncle. My family had a baby blessing to go to. Once again we made it just in time for sacrament meeting but had to sit in the over flow section with the uncomfortable chairs. Luckily we only had to stay for sacrament meeting which seemed to take hours. My family had a little celebratory party at my cousins house with the best food in the world. I got sick from eating so much and fell asleep on the way home. After watching the only thing I was looking forward to this week(Miley Cyrus on SNL) I just chilled with my family and ate ice cream!