

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hiking PooPoo Point

Car ride with Taylor and daddy

Chase and Lauren

this is the face Avery and I make when we see Chase and Lauren together

high bun!!!
We hiked up PooPoo Point for fun one day! Chase brought is two friends and I brought Taylor and Avery! Im not going to be doing this hike anytime soon...it was harder than I remembered.
But it was cool to see Issaquah from above.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


This is what happens when you forget to sign out of this on my computer freak!


OH! And hurry up and freaking clean your room we need to watch the bachelorette!! I NEED TO SEE SEAN! <3 <3 <3

Monday, June 18, 2012

Music Video!

Woohoo! So excited for summer...except for the weather sucks. Anyways... today was Avery's last day of school so we went out side and video taped us lip syncing to celebrate the beginning of summer! It was a really long video so we just took out the funnyish parts! 


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Silly Goose

What a cutie! My cousin brought over this wittle baby goose for me to baby sit the other night! I fell in love after he...Slept in my bed with me(woops). He was abandoned on the side of the road with his sibling who sadly got killed:(  I now share the goose with my cousin. He hasn't been put down or been by himself much at all. 
I just cant stand how sweet he is!


Most beautiful day ever. Hot enough to bring out the sprinkler. haha. We had the best time getting totally soaked and freezing! Also kind of counted as our shower for the day;) 

We finished the fun off with a real shower(in our clothes)! haha....what a blast!

Sunday, April 22, 2012



root beer float!


poor Shelby
Awkward fireside!! SOOO awkward! Bishop Brown got very..I don't even know. He said to much....

Sunny Sunday

how you dress on sunny days

How you sit on sunny days

Blue sky angle

what your face looks like on sunny days

It was soo hot today! At church I was sweating like crazy..it was disgusting! When I walked to meet Avery before a fireside we got so hot that we had to sit down in the middle of the road and chill! 
I love the sun though! It makes Issaquah actually look pretty! 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lady A concert!

Had the best time ever at the Lady Antebellum concert last month! Except for the 3 couples below us that made out the whole time right in front of us! That part was disgusting!

Dream Car!

I need this car! Just looking at it gives me so much joy! hahaha

First Day Home

taking pictures with my babies in the Walmart parking lot! haha

Auntie Avery

First time being blow dried

Finally! I got babies! They are the cutest fluffiest ducklings ever!

Pink band- Rosie. Cutest lil duckling I have ever seen!

Green band- No name! Haven't decided what to call him yet! He is super sweet though!

Blue band- Trouble..His name describes him perfectly! He bites fingers, skin, moles, anything that sparkles, hair, neon colors and he wont let go..haha! It just tickles though! Plus he LOVES Avery and that is trouble.

I cant describe with words how happy it makes me to hold a baby duck in my hands and call it mine! I never realized how weird it was to snuggle baby ducks inside your house tell today when I was watching Avery snuggle Trouble in her hair. haha! I would say that ducks are the best pets on earth. They are cute even when they are adults and still love to be cuddled and pet.  

Thanks mommy for getting them for me! Thank you dad for convincing her! haha

Friday, April 20, 2012

Walkin With the Avers

hehe! I walked to front street today with Avery and we had a party. We dressed like twins and got a lot of strange looks as we walked down the road with giant bottles of mtn dew. We also got strange looks because Avery would make creepy faces like the one in the picture. 

It reminded me of the good old days(aka last year). 
Fun stuff!

Friday, April 13, 2012

My Best Bud


Thank you Chason for always being there for me! Im so glad we became such good friends over the past year! It has been a whole lot of fun! We had so many crazy adventures..hahaha! 

1. Breaking Colemans deodorant
2. Memorial day weekend/watching movies/ hiking/exploring Issaquah with the gang/ Eating a ton of Mcdonalds
3. Planking until dark
4.Every single fire in the summer
5. running to the state park
6. When you spilled chocolate milk all over my vans
7. U2 concert
8. North West trek/ road trip/ Walmart
9. Carving amazing pumpkins
10. Haunted forest/Seattle haunted house
11. Recording us lip sync Mad World
12. Every single time you got hyper form drinking mtn dew
13. Seminary
14. When you gave me the best Christmas present ever
15. running home from sports authority
16. Going to your brothers basketball games
17. going to a "few" of your basket ball games
18. destroying you in soccer
19. Watching you get stuck on a plastic seahorse and start crying! HAHAHA
20. playing Mario Bros..upside down
21. Par-coring
22. Super Bowl Sunday
23. Putting makeup on you and taking pictures
24. The Justin Bieber Movie
25. Hop
26. Playing hide and go seek with all of your siblings
27. Puyallup fair/Freaking shooting in Issaquah
28. "Watching" Ty play soccer
29. New Years/ minute to win it games
30. Taco eating competition!!
31. Snow day/snow war
32. Skyping Coleman
33. Football games
34. Stake Volleyball
35. Watching scary movies with Aves and Kasey! 
36. The first time I ever swore in my life (and it was on accident) during a song and you made me feel guilty for life. even though I only said H-E double hockey stick!
37. Coming up with imaginary horses and a imaginary trip to "Montaner" ! (Candy and Cane)
38.Trying to teach you how to do a headstand!
39. Dropping the popcorn..woops/when you acted like you were going to throw me off the bridge
40. And last...haha...my stupid joke about walking on that lawn that you made fun of me for!

There is a lot more but I am way to tired to think of them all! 

(there I finally did your post)

Thanks buddy for all the good times (:

Saturday, April 7, 2012