

Saturday, April 21, 2012

First Day Home

taking pictures with my babies in the Walmart parking lot! haha

Auntie Avery

First time being blow dried

Finally! I got babies! They are the cutest fluffiest ducklings ever!

Pink band- Rosie. Cutest lil duckling I have ever seen!

Green band- No name! Haven't decided what to call him yet! He is super sweet though!

Blue band- Trouble..His name describes him perfectly! He bites fingers, skin, moles, anything that sparkles, hair, neon colors and he wont let go..haha! It just tickles though! Plus he LOVES Avery and that is trouble.

I cant describe with words how happy it makes me to hold a baby duck in my hands and call it mine! I never realized how weird it was to snuggle baby ducks inside your house tell today when I was watching Avery snuggle Trouble in her hair. haha! I would say that ducks are the best pets on earth. They are cute even when they are adults and still love to be cuddled and pet.  

Thanks mommy for getting them for me! Thank you dad for convincing her! haha

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