

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


My cool Tahiti tattoo 

2 guys climbing palm tree

river show

Denise and her turtle tattoo on her belly

We went to the PCC- Polynesian Cultural Center. There were a lot of guys with six packs.  We watched the river show and ate at a huge buffet. At night went to HA "The Breath of Life". 


I personally think the Hawaii temple is the prettiest. The road to the temple is so cool..its pretty much a wall of palm trees, and then it opens up to gardens and a huge pond and fountain. I just love it.

JOSH the seal

He would lay like this and scratch his belly. It was adorable.

This is Josh. Hes the cutest seal that has ever lived. He came up on the beach one night when we were in Hawaii and stayed there the next day. He was riding a wave when Tyler, Kevin, Denise and I saw him. He was 10 feet away from me. It was so cool! 
We also got to see a lot of other cool things in the water. There were sea turtles, whales, dolphins, and of course, Josh.

Pearl Harbor

Day 1

just chilled at the house and went to the beach!


6 hours on the plane. Couldnt sleep.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Count Down!

WOOOOHOOO! We are going to Hawaii tomorrow! Im so freakin excited!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Count Down!

9 days tell HAWAII! So excited! and then also I'm going on a cruise in February!!
SOOOOOO excited!

Awkward Pasta....

2 days ago I wanted to eat pasta salad/cold pasta, and my cousin has an amazing recipe so I asked her for it. I got the basic ingredients.
Bow tie pasta, pesto, artichokes, and ranch dressing.
It tastes a lot better than it sounds. I never got how much I was supposed to put of each thing so I just started randomly adding stuff and then I added mayo. It sounds so disgusting but it tastes so good. 

DOWNER-it took 1 hour to make for some reason...plus I let it cool.

Monday, January 9, 2012

New years

This is late! 

Had a super fun new years eve party with the family! We played a lot of games like minute to win it, and almost missed the count down!