

Monday, January 9, 2012


Here is how it all started....yesterday I brought some food to chase and went shopping with my parents. My mom needed to go to the Uwajiwaya for some asian food. She let me buy some whistle candy which had a little box with a prize. I opened the box and it had a little adjustable pink ring inside. my first instinct was wear it as a nose ring  and take a picture(cause I"m a girl and that's what we do, take pictures of ourselves). Anyways, I sent chase a text saying I got a nose ring just to be "funny" cause I knew he wouldn't believe me. I got the classic reply from him "cool". I kept going on about how cool it was until finally he asked if I actually got one. I replied "ya....please don't be mad" then quickly after that text was sent I said "just kidding!! I never got one!!". Chase asked me if I asked Avery to lie to him. I had no idea what he was talking about. He told me that when he had just asked Avery if I got a nose piercing she had said yes and that I had sent her a picture. I called chase to tell him that I never had, just to make sure he knew she was lying. After I called Avery...We came up with a plan. Avery told me to send her a picture of me from my phone to her email and she would photshop it and send it to chases email. Chase doesn't ever believe me so when I kept saying I never got one it just made him think I had got one(he's twisted). Avery sent him the picture(which I got to say was amazing). He got so angry. He actually texted my mom to tell her how disappointed he was in me. After that I told him it was all a lie. He still didn't believe me so I had to send him the original picture. It was stupid but I'm really impressed with me and Avery cause we pulled that whole thing off while I was at Home Depot.

thats the phptoshopped image

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