

Sunday, February 26, 2012


1 and half hours tell we leave for our cruise! It came so fast. I cant sleep. I'm not excited for the cruise in the same way I was for Hawaii. In Hawaii I was so excited to go do things be at the beach and always have something to do to never get bored. Cruising is so different. I'm excited to lay down on a pool chair and tan while I eat my soft serve swirl ice cream and get fat. I'm excited to not have to worry about starving or going to Costco and stalking up on food at the beginning of the trip. I'm scared to go without my sister, without my best friend. Hopefully ill be able to just relax and play put put golf with my grandma though. I'm ready to be in the sun again. I hope it doesn't rain to hard in Texas.

Amazing view!

This view was insane. It was so gorgeous! It looked over the north shore I think... i'm not sure. maybe not. haha. The only bad part was it was freezing. The wind was so strong up in the mountains. I'm super glad dad dragged us all up there to see it though!

Avery and Me

I love Avery! shes such a good best friend!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

DIY~Marbled nails

The first thing your going to do is get a cup almost full of luke warm water.(if its to cold or to hot the nail polish will dry way to fast for you to make a designs.
Paint all your nails white.
Get out all your nail polishes you want to use. Its best to use brand new nail polish because they haven't thickened or any nail polish that still drips as soon as you take it out of the bottle.
Put Vaseline all over one of your fingers avoiding the actual nail. 
Open all the nail polishes you are going to use so its easy and fast to make you bulls-eye.
Drip each one of your polishes on top the water tell you get as many rings in the bulls-eye as you want. 
Take a tooth pick and make a design through the polish.
take the finger with the Vaseline and dunk it all the way through the water on the part of the design you liked the best. 
Keep your finger under the water while you blow on the nail polish still floating on top.
Take your tooth pick again and bring it through the dried polish.
Take your finger out and remove the nail polish that is not on your nail with a paper towel. 

Bad habbit

Okay I have told everyone that if they see me picking my nails to hit me. It was a horrible idea...haha. They hit me randomly and then say "sorry I thought I saw you chewing your nails" when of course I wasn't but they think its so 'fun'. I guess everyone I know is evil.